What is The Simplicity of Love about? It’s about opening our hearts, minds and spirits to the possibilities of love. Please note that there is great emphasis on the word “possibility”. Love is achievable for everyone however just like any great endeavor it comes when we are ready, FULLY READY to embark on its great journey. It is up to us to figure out when we are ready for love. Below I have simply listed 5 of the most important aspects of being ready for love. Once you have finished reading them take a second and think to yourself; “Am I ready to be loved, am I ready to give love, am I ready to cherish love?”
1. When you look in the mirror what do you see?
* Believe it or not, but many of us do not know who we see when we look in the mirror. This just means we have yet to find our purpose, our meaning, and our reason for living. We all go through this stage in life where we stumble upon questions pertaining to our inner being. Let me ask you, if you do not know who you are or who you hope to become, how can someone fall in love with you; most imperatively how can you love another? Your confusion will attract another confused soul. Your lack of personal understanding will attract another individual who lacks personal understanding. Get my drift? Know you first, love who you are and who you hope to become THEN you can love another. Know the reflection beyond the reflection.
2. What is a “non-negotiable”?
* This is very important because it keeps you from settling. A “non-negotiable” is anything about a person that you will not settle for what so ever. An example; Maybe you are a spiritual person and you hope to find someone with a similar belief system as you. It can be very hard for an atheist and a Catholic (for example) to become one therefore many find conflicting beliefs to be a non-negotiable. If you are an extremely sexual person a non-negotiable would be dating someone who is too conservative to your liking in bed. Please keep in mind this does not make you shallow or superficial for having non-negotiables. You have to be happy in your relationship and that means dating someone who is pleasing to you and your lifestyle choices. You have to know what you want before you jump the gun.
3. What are you thinking?
* Your thoughts will be the death of you. Are you on a positive track or are you sinking in negativity? Clean up your mind because no one likes a negative Nancy. When a negative person embarks in a relationship it has a very slim chance of survival. Why? Because with that negative seed comes negative plants. That negative thinking will lead to envy, jealousy, hate, low self esteem and depression because a negative person is never satisfied with themselves and therefore is never satisfied with their partner. You want to be ready for love? Begin with planting positivity within your mind. There is so much beauty in someone who sees the light in the darkness. The more you shower that planted seed with light the greater the chance you have at attracting an even brighter soul. Law of attraction – You have to love it!
4. Know your situation and bask in it!
* I have heard so many single mothers complain about how men do not look at them twice. → This is a false statement. Whatever your situation is do not use it as a crutch. Embrace your kids. Men love a woman who does not try to hide their lives from them. You may think being a single mom turns men away but there are many men who will embrace ALL of you. Love means loving the whole person, their life and their situations. Keep a picture of your children in your wallet on that first date. Do not begin something with lies. Your children are precious and are a blessing and should not be hidden. A real man does not hold you liable because you have children. He respects your independence and motherly/fatherly role that so many of you are playing. So do not be ashamed of your situation but be honest with yourself and embrace it!
5. Timelines are irrelevant!
* I can care less if you expected to be married by the age of 30. I say this with much respect but the truth is timelines are on the list of factors that leave us lonely. They either lead us to giving up or they lead us to settling. I will briefly explain- Say you are now 29 years old and expected to be married by 30, in order to reach that timeline in your mind you are going to settle for the next man that comes around that corner and says your hair looks nice. This is not me judging you this is in fact your mentality effecting your actions. You have to let go of your timeline and remember “whatever happens, happens”. Before you settle down with someone you have to let go of your life’s relationship schedule because if it is one thing that is so unexpected in life it is love. Love does not have a cut off age. Live your life, perfect you! Do not allow your friends to constantly remind you of your biological clock. Rushed love is never a successful love. Take your time, enjoy yourself and when you get yourself together love will find you. → I am not preaching an illusion. Until you are 100% your love life will never reach its full potential.
I hope you take these 5 aspects into consideration. Of course these are not the ONLY aspects of being ready to love however in my book they are the most important. Love is not something you jump into. People become heartbroken because they were never ready to be in love and most importantly they were never ready to love another. Now is the time to polish your flaws, accept your life and know who you are. Time for you to get ready for LOVE!
The written words of AJT.
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