Wednesday, 4 July 2012

"He Says He Will...But Will He Really Ever Leave His Wife For Me?"

Unfortunately, as women we are so willing when it comes to love. We are willing to look past the most destructive tendencies of our partners and far too often we seem willing to play the fool.

When we take on a relationship with a man who is married we automatically claim the title “the OTHER woman”. I do not care if he is telling you he loves you more than his wife, that he respects you more, that he appreciates you more, and that he cares for you more. It doesn’t matter! You are still “the OTHER woman”. The title that you possessed when you began the affair is the title you will forever hold. So as he is telling you he is going to leave his wife this should be the time where your common sense reveals itself. ***When he began his affair with you he was married and in his eyes, seeing as you still gave into his advances emotionally and sexually, his marriage didn't matter. He figures, if it didn't matter then, it shouldn't matter now.*** Still, he will continue to tell you EXACTLY what you need to hear in order for his advances to continually be given into.

You want to persuade your mind that it’s love and that this man is genuinely speaking truth to you. Maybe he does love you but if he loved you more than his wife why is SHE still his WIFE? Men will give you every excuse in the book when it comes to reasons why they cannot leave their wife:

1 .     The kids
2 .     The finances
3 .     The timing is off
4 .     He claims to be so confused

The real reason why he is not leaving his wife is CONVENIENCE.

You have allowed him to love on you while he is still married. He realizes that he can have his cake and eat it too. You give him your love, then he goes home and gets more affection from his wife and his family. When he is tired of playing family man, he plays the single, fun, sexual man with you. He is living a double life making his fantasies come true and all the while as you constantly ask him to leave his wife and as he constantly gives you all of the excuses of why he “cannot leave his wife RIGHT NOW”, he knows that 15 minutes later he will be getting love from you whether you get the answer you want or not.


He has manipulated your feelings and made you believe something that is probably never going to happen. Where does he spend his holidays? Who does he go to bed with every night? Who does he wake up to every morning? He makes love to you. But he is also STILL making love to his wife even though I am sure he tells you he is not…trust me, HE IS.

 ***The fact that you know he is married but his wife has no idea that you even exist should be the RED LIGHT. He obvioulsy cares more about protecting her feelings than yours!

You are a character of his fantasy life outside of playing family man. You cannot cry, weep and feel sorry for yourself about this unfortunate situation you are in. You knew from the beginning that this man was married but you took the chance anyways expecting your connection with him to build a relationship and crumble his current marriage.

**When men are in affairs, they are not looking for another wife. They are not looking to start another family. They are not looking to have any serious commitment with “the other woman”.  They are looking for a quick fix to relieve them from their reality.

Look within yourself and ask honestly, personally and sincerely, do you really think this man is going to leave behind everything he has built with his wife for a woman who has allowed him to belittle her worth. Yes, that is what he has done. He has belittled your worth by deeming you “the other woman”. You are his second best. Is that good enough for you? Second best is not good enough for any woman. So I’m asking YOU, Will he ever leave his wife?

The Written Words of AJT


Anonymous said...

Hello my name is jessica i am 30 years old and have three beautiful children. Six years ago my husband had an affair with a girl we both worked with. At the time i was five months pregnant with are daughter our son was only a couple months old my son was born with poland sydrome they are 11months three weeks apart. I loved him with everything i had inside me. To make a long story short the girl that he was having the affair with called me asked if i was having sex with my husband and then said well i have been having sex with him for four months. I dont understand some people she knew we were married and that i was pregnant thats a homewrecker. It completly destroyed me there were days i felt like i could not breathe. I packed everything up in our house while he was at work moved it into a storage and the kids and i went to stay in a homeless shelter i knew that i could not afford to live on my own we were in that homeless shelter for two years. While i was living in the shelter he would call me right when he gpt to work that really bothered me he had her why call me. I didnt even let him be there when our daughter was born. I will never be sencond in anyone's life i am first or nothing at all

Anne said...


You are the epitome of strength! You were in an unfortunate situation but you did what you had to do for yourself and your children. I know it had to be difficult on you but just think, what he did to you he is sure to do to her as well. She showed, through her actions, that her self-respect lacked and a man like him is sure to take advantage of that. She allowed herself to be with a man who was not at all hers. She showed disrespect towards you and his children, which makes him a fool for even allowing someone to do such a thing! I know at times you felt like you had probably reached your lowest but the truth is you left. You did something that many women only dream of being able to do. You knew what you deserved opposed to what you wanted. I applaud you! Thank you for sharing this with us <3 – Love, AJT

Unknown said...

I had a coworker to come to me and tell that a married man want to talk to her. I told that she do not want to be the other woman or a home wrecker. I also had her to read your blog. After she read it she told me thank you. So keep it up Miss Lady.

Anne said...


Thank you!! I am so glad it reached the right person! =)

Love Always, Anne

Unknown said...

I am on that married man ship 🚢.and can't get off the ship