Tuesday, 6 November 2012

The More You Pressure Him, The More You Push Him Away!

As women, what is the one thing we want the most from our men besides the familiar honesty, trust and love: it is commitment! We want our men to be committed to us and only us but we understand how difficult this can be for a man to buckle down and truly commit to one relationship.

We think men are afraid they are missing out on something when they decide to settle down with one woman. Truth is, men have a hard time trusting women just as women have a hard time trusting men? Why? Because in recent years women have been killing their credibility.

How many women commit to independence over any form of “submittance” to a man? It all plays a key role in the reasons why it is hard for a man to trust our intentions. 

I tell you one thing, if you want your man to commit to you the fastest way to destroy that hope is by constantly pressuring him into it. A man will commit when he is READY to commit. One thing about men is that the majority will not stay if they honestly do not want to be in the relationship. Women, on the other hand, are very likely to stay in a relationship they hate. If a man isn’t happy he will leave; however for women, we stay hoping, praying and wishing for our man to change.

If you want your man (or woman for that matter) to take the relationship a bit more seriously it starts with your actions.  You have to ask yourself, “What am I doing to make my partner hesitant on committing to me?” Now I am not saying it is your fault that your partner strays from commitment, however before you pressure someone into loving you unconditionally you have to make sure you have made them it is worthwhile.

If you are constantly getting the go around from your partner then maybe you need to also re evaluate the wants and expectations of one another. If your partner does not want to move forward right now then you have to decide if they are worth waiting for. Are their traits and future aspirations towards the relationship coinciding with yours? Do you both want the same things in life in terms of commitment and a family for that matter? Never want to settle down so bad that you give up your needs. There are too many people in this world who want the same things as you.

I hate to see people struggling with their partners because they are not getting what they need from them. You should never have to force someone into loving you the way you need to be loved. If they have proven that they cannot provide the kind of relationship that you need then let it go. Easier said than done right? But then again, who wants to wake up every morning knowing they are living a lie and cheating their own heart. You choose.

The Written Words of AJT


Anonymous said...

This is why, I think it is important at the beginning of the relationship to settle things and to know where you stand. I think you should not nag anyone about it but if from the beginning things are clear and you don't open yourself from the get go, it will be much easy for you to deal with the other thing and won't have to pursue him to know where does the relationship stands

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