Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Girl Don't Be Naive! Know When Your Male Friend is Getting Too Friendly!

As women we can be very naïve when it comes to having male friends. We disregard any possibility that our male friends want more than friendship. We make up excuses for their over the top comments and compliments and we try our hardest to reassure our boyfriends/husbands that our male friend is no threat. Some of us even get a kick out of it when our man warns us constantly of our male friend’s intentions. We think our man is simply being jealous. Newsflash - it may be a hint of jealousy in your man’s remarks regarding your male friend but believe me most of it is coming from experience. No one knows a man like another man! If your man is telling you you are being a bit naive…BELIEVE HIM!

The reason so many women find themselves in compromising situations with men who are “just friends” is because women love the attention. It makes them feel like someone other than their man is taking notice of them. They neglect the fact that a single “crossing the boundary” compliment can lead to far more than a smile and flirtatious grin. As soon as your male friend notices your flattery towards his advancements, he will not stop there. He will plant false thoughts into your mind by saying, “your man doesn’t deserve you,” “you can do so much better than the dude you are with” or the biggest comment of all that unfortunately so many women fall for, “if you were single you don’t know what I’d do for you.” Quit flattering yourself ladies! As you smile, grin and continue the flirtatious acts with this man he automatically knows he has you right where he wants you.

Do not get me wrong; NOT ALL MEN WHO GIVE YOU COMPLIMENTS WANT YOU. Some men will give you a compliment without wanting anything from you. But again, this goes right back to naivety. We know, as women, when a man is hinting that he wants more than friendship the problem is our egos take over, our heads get big and we trick ourselves into believing we are “doing nothing wrong”.

If you are allowing the man’s advancements and flirtatious comments then you are just as much at fault as he is. You need to put a stop to it at the first offense! And when I say put a stop to it, that does not mean ask your male friend to quit flirting with you and go back to being his “cool chick friend”. No! It means he is not a friend and he has different plans for your relationship. Therefore that friendship needs to be cut short and quickly!

Never open the door of possibility by venting to a man who wants you about every little thing that your boyfriend/husband is doing wrong. Not only are you condemning your man but even worse, you are condemning him to a man who wants to get in your pants! You are opening the door and screaming “I’m not happy, come rescue me!"

Work it out with YOUR MAN. Talk to YOUR MAN. Fix it with YOUR MAN. Never talk to another male about the faults of your relationship. Too often we over exaggerate of course and make the best man look like the worse man. Well enough is enough! You should never give another man a reason to believe he can creep in the middle of your relationship.

So remember, lets lean more towards common sense than naivety and understand the difference between a compliment and advancement. Nip it in the bud. You do not need a friend who will compromise your relationship. And even if you know it can never go that far you still should not be friends with a man who wants more than friendship. Be 100% loyal to your man in every way!

The Written Words of AJT

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