Sunday, 19 August 2012

Have We Been Focusing on The Right Relationship? A Personal Message From AJT

So today, while pondering on a blog topic, it hit me:

I was running out of topics on relationships!!!
(LOL) Don’t judge me please…

I did not want my articles to begin to sound redundant and repetitive. Most of my blog articles come from personal experience or from simple observation of my peers. Here at “The Simplicity of Love” we focus on relationships but have we been focusing on the right relationship? 

Stay with me here:

For the past year I have been writing about relationships between spouses, best friends, lovers, boyfriend/girlfriends while unnoticeably leaving out the one relationship that we need more than the rest. It is the relationship that needs to be watered in order for any kind of intimate relationship to become successfully possible. That relationship is the one we have with ourselves. We all know that in order to love another we must love who we are and truly believe that we are worth being loved.

So it hit me! “The Simplicity of Love” cannot just focus on the love we share for another it has to also embody emphasis on how to love ourselves. Self-acceptance is the biggest ingredient for a successful relationship. If you do not love yourself you are not able to give another permission to love you. If my man were unsure of himself, insecure, not taking care of himself and out of touch with who he is it would be close to impossible for me to respect, love and appreciate him because he obviously lacks these traits towards himself. Make sense?

The reason many of us find ourselves in so many failed relationships is because we are lacking something within that is either attracting us to the wrong people, producing 0% self love or has us out of tune with our personal worth. Repetitive? Yes, because many of us know this. But the majority of us are avoiding the measures needed to obtain a successful love. We yearn to be loved by a deserving individual but we refuse to put in the work. We exert energy into our outer appearance without ever sculpting the inner crescents of our emotions, mental stability and personal relationship. We have, for too long now, been focused on why the people we have been with have been hurting us, why we have had so many failed relationships, why we have been single for so long, why we cannot find happiness in our current relationship etc. We have been focused on all the wrong questions. We should be asking - What is it about myself that has put me in these continuous, repetitive situations and how can I change it?

Well my SOL fans it is now time that we take on a new quest. Loving yourself comes in all different aspects. It is a mental, physical and emotional change. It is about accepting who you are and letting go of who you do not want to be.  Like Tupac said “ its time for us as a people to start making some changes. Lets change the way we eat, lets change the way we live and lets change the way we treat one another.” Sometimes you need to just focus on you. If that man is right for you he will be there once you have gotten yourself together. If that woman is right for you she will be there once you have gotten yourself together.  Inner personal change – it is a process that one day we all have to begin.

So are you folks with me? I hope so. I hope you follow me on a new journey as “The Simplicity of Love” takes a new direction, still in the tune with the old. As we move forward to self acceptance, finding our confidence, letting go of the comparisons, embracing all we have to be appreciative of, and in the end attracting the right person able to love the NEW and improved, self assured, worthy YOU! Stay tuned…

“I never knew real love until I came to love, appreciate and treat myself with respect. When I realized the woman I wanted to become I also learned who I was not. Realization and personal assurance attracted the right man.” – Antoinette J. Thompson

The Written Words Of AJT

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